Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free Show? Your free show!! THREE FREE SHOWS!!!

I've been practicing and training a lot this winter and it's going great. I'm learning new tricks, I'm in the best shape of my life; everything is going according plan. Except that the off season is really making me miss my friends. I haven't been doing that many shows since the weather is too cold and nasty for anyone to want to stand around and watch a show. But that's changing soon, and I want to see as many people as I can once spring finally comes! So I'm giving YOU (maybe) a free show! I'll perform wherever you want, it's your show!

So here's the deal. Like my Facebook page, and if there are 1000 likes on my page by my birthday, May 2nd, 2011, then three of you will win the free show. It's a gift for both of us! If you already like my page then you are automatically entered, but I encourage you to invite people to like the page too so this thing can actually happen.

Do it here!

  • Winner must provide safe and suitable venue.
  • The show is a 10 minute technical performance with fire poi, staff, fleshing, fire eating and fire breathing if the venue is safe for all flame effects.
  • The performance is free but if the venue is not reachable by TTC then the winner must pay for travel expenses.
  • All persons who currently like are automatically entered into the contest.
  • Performance can only be redeemed within Canada.
  • Show cannot conflict with a previously booked performance.
  • Show must be redeemed within the calendar year of 2011.